2019 October - Gearbox shipped to Donsötank M/T Solando
Donsötanks first ordered XDrive has now been shipped to M/T Solando, which at the time of writing is located outside the coast of France. Installation will be within the next few weeks. Then it’s time for their second gearbox to be installed on M/T Solero. We’re looking forward to both installations!
/Team Optixmarine
2019 September - Donsö Shipping Meet 2019
2019 August - Preinstallation onboard Donsötank M/T Solero
Preinstallation onboard Donsötank M/T Solero during their shipyard visit in Landskrona. All preperations onboard for their OptixDrive was performed. The delivery to M/T Solero will be during september/october.
The last preperations are also being made for the DSM19 fair. OptixMarine will attend the fair 2th-4th of september.
Welcome to DSM hall C C11. Hope we´ll meet You there!
/Team Optixmarine
2019 July - Update
July is here and finally the summerheat has arrived! We look forward to some vacation and “charge our batteries” before work begins again.
Have a nice vacation and enyoy the summer!
/Team Optixmarine
2019 June - Update
Nor-Shipping 2019 is now over and we are very pleased with the great interest that has been for us and our products. We had the launch of our third product OptixAutosync. For more information about Autosync, read under:
We would like to thank everyone who visited us at the fair!
2019 June - Nor-Shipping
The last preparations are being made for the Nor-Shipping fair. We will hold two events during the fair; first out is the product release of OptixAutosync on the 4th of June at 16:00. This is the third product of the “Optix family” and we look forward to the market’s reactions on this system and its effects. The second event is the handing over of Rederi AB Donsötank’s first Optixdrive unit to be installed on their vessel M/T Solando, wich takes place on the 5th of June at 14:00.
2019 May - Building the first demo unit for our third product
Now we have started to build the first demo unit for our third product, wich will be launched during Nor-Shipping 4th of june at 16:00. Just like Optixdrive and Optixautorail, this is an optimization system that allows ship owners to reduce maintenance costs and reduce fuel consumption on board. How about a documented fuel savings of over 8% and lifetime extension of some vital parts with up to 10 times! ROI of about 1.5 years creates great interest.
2019 April - Preparations onboard Donsötank M/T Solando
Donsötank M/T Solando has been on a shipyard visit and we took the opportunity to make the preparations onboard for the installation of their Optixdrive. The company has ordered two Optixdrives for their vessels M/T Solando & M/T Solero. All the complementing equipment and foundations were installed and now we are just waiting for the production and classification of their Optixdrive to be completed.
2019 March - Preparations for our stand at Nor-Shipping are in full swing
Now we are in full swing with the preparations for our stand at Nor-Shipping. This year we are investing a little extra on a design that is in line with our products to achieve the right “Optixmarine touch” so that our guests feel welcome and at home in our booth.
Welcome to Nor-Shipping hall A A1-58.
2019 February - Development of a third product
The development of our third product is in full progress. Like our other two products, it will help you with energy and fuel optimization. The product will be presented during our product release on 4/6 2019 at Nor-Shipping. Until then we keep it a secret but we can reveal some of the effects it brings; how about a documented fuel saving of over 8%!
2019 January - Happy New Year
Happy New & Prosperous Year!
2019 will be a year to look forward to. A third product is in the pipe line and we are attending two big exhibitions. First out is Nor-Shipping in June and then DSM in September.
Hope we`ll meet You there!
2018 December - Merry Christmas
We wish you all a Merry Christmas and prosperous New Year!
Team Optixmarine
2018 November - Rederi AB Donsötank signs contract for two OptixDrives
We welcome Rederi AB Donsötank to the OptixMarine family! The have signed orders for two OptixDrive for their ships M/T Solando and M/T Solero. First delivery in april 2019 for the Solando and august 2019 for the Solero.
2018 September/ October - Veritas Astorias installation summary
“Free electricity during voyage”
AB Veritas tankers, Veritas Astorias OptixDrive has now been running for almost thousand hours. The final result in savings during a period of two months with same conditions in 2016 and 2018 have resulted in a decrease of main engine fuel consumption with 1kg/Nm including the production of 300kw from the shaft generator for the hotel load during vouage. In short term the increase of main engine efficiency due to the kw load from the shaft generator (that does not affect the hydrodynamics of the hull) has resulted that all kw produced by the main engine is more efficient. The result is a reduction with 1kg/Nm and free electricity during voyage. The annual savings for Veritas tanker and the Veritas Astoria is approx, $240 000.
2018 August - Veritas Astorias installation is finalised
AB Veritas tankers, Veritas Astorias OptixDrive is now installed and in service. The unit has been running stabile and with good results for over 300 hours onboard. Maximum load so far has been 700kw and the output result has been +- 0,2hz in maximum frequency drop.
Film taken during the first start onboard
2018 July - Veritas Astoria installation has started
2018 June - Veritas Astorias OptixDrive ready for shipment
After additional testing and packing of AB Veritas tankers OptixDrive, the unit is now ready for shipment to Veritas Astoria. The unit will be delivered onboard during their port of call in Sundsvall Sweden. The installation will soon thereafter be started by the OptixMarine installation team.
2018 March - Special preview of the Optixdrive 1.5
OptixMarine has started with the installation of misc, equipment onboard the Veritas Astoria. Controlcabinet, cables and information screen is now installed onboard.
Watch the test run:
2018 March - FAT test and Special preview will be carried out
We are looking forward to the FAT tests on the 7th of march and also the Special preview of the Optixdrive. Invitations has been sent out to selected persons to attend this special preview of the Optixdrive 1.5 while in test bench. The preview will be carried out with 200kw generator load and show the stability etc of the Optixdrive 1.5.
2018 February - The Optixdrive 1.5 has been class approved by the Bureau Veritas
2017 December - Report from the testcenter
The test run of the optixdrive is ongoing at Optixmarine ABs test bench in Lidköping Sweden. The gearbox have gone through extensive test runs and have proven to be more stabil than anticipated. During normal ME “maneuvering rpm the outgoing rpm fluctuation is very low and equals to +- 0,5Hz, seen during testing.
2017 October - Optixmarine invests in a new test bench with 250kw capacity
2017 September - The worlds first official test run of OptixDrive takes place in Lidköping at Framar AB
During the summer we have run tests on every part of the OptixDrive separately to make sure our final product will meet the quality standard we promise. Today, the 14th of September 2017, was a day of great joy as our first official run of the worlds first OptixDrive took place in Lidköping at Framar AB. This marks an important milestone in our journey as we now enter the final tests of the OptixDrive.
Watch the test run:
2017 May - OptixMarine once again receives The SKAPA Foundation's Innovation Award for region west
OptixMarine´s CTO Torbjörn Lundh and ETO Johannes Forssén have been chosen as a finalists from region west in The SKAPA Foundation’s award “SKAPA Utvecklingspris” for their invention OptixAutorail – the national final will be held in November in Stockholm, were the final winner will be announced.
2017 May - OptixMarine releases brand new product OptixAutorail at Nor-Shipping
The fuel pump controlsystem OptixAutorail lower fuel consumption with up to 10% for engines equipted with individual fuelpumps. Enabling each individual cylinders fuelpump to be controlled to the most optimum power and cylinder-load.
- Run your main engine with even exhaust temperatures at all rpm levels
- All cylinders add equal power
- Even wear on bearings and pistons
- Load reduction only occurs when all cylinders are overloaded
- Reduce fuel consumption and emissions from COx, NOx, & SOx
Watch the release:
Video Player
2017 May - The world first OptixDrive 1.5 is now produced
The world first OptixDrive is now produced, just in time for the Norshipping fair in Oslo
Visit us in OptixMarines booth T03-05a at Norshipping 2017.
2017 April - Changes in the OptixMarine team
We welcome Markus Forssén to the team and to replace Marcus Lagerstrand. Markus fills the position as Marketing & Sales Manager.
2017 April - The first gearbox housing is ready for assembly
The casting of the first aluminum housing is done and processed. It is now on its way to our workshop for assembly.
2017 March - OptixMarine team increases
We welcome Marcus Lagestrand to the team. Marcus takes the seat as Sales manager. He comes previously from Bosch Rexroth and Consilium.
2018 December - Happy Holidays
We wish you all a Merry Christmas and prosperous New Year!
Team Optixmarine
2017 February - OptixMarine will launch a new product at the Nor-Shipping fair in Oslo
Optixmarine will present yet another revolutionary aid for shipowners to optimise their ships. Fuel reductions up to 5-10% and return of investment under 1 year. This product can be used combined with all other optimisation systems and results in lower exhaust temperatures, higher ME power output and lower maintenance costs.
2017 January - OptixMarine will attend the Nor-Shipping fair in Oslo
Optixmarine will attend the Nor-shipping fair in Oslo may 30th through june 2nd. Visit us in the Swedish pavilion in hall T.
2016 December - Team OptixMarine say thank you all for this year
2016 Has been a interesting and prosperous year for OptixMarine Ab and our product OptixDrive. We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy new year!
2016 November - OptixMarine receives The SKAPA Foundation's National diploma of Honor
OptixMarine´s CTO Torbjörn Lundh Received the Diploma of Honor during a gala in Stockholm on September 10th.
We also welcome Johannes Forssén to the team. Johannes takes the seat as Process Control Manager.
2016 October - OptixDrive winner of Stena Line Propeller Prize 2016
We are proud to announce that our CTO Torbjörn Lundh on 13 October received the marine technology award “Stena Line Propeller Prize 2016” at Näringslivsdagen in Karlskrona.
2016 September - OptixMarine celebrates a successfull fair at SMM in Hamburg
We could not have imagined the amount of positive response that we received from shipping and chartering companies. The customer book is now full with new leads and we would like to thank every that visited us during the fair.
2016 August - OptixMarine moves in to new office at Lindholmen Science Park
OptixMarine will have a new visiting address (from October 2016) in Gothenburg and you will find us at Lindholmen Science Park – An international collaborative environment for innovation, research and education within Transportation and other relevant industries.
2016 June - OptixMarine will Exhibits on SMM in Hamburg 6-9 September
Meet OptixMarine on SMM in Hamburg 6-9 September in Hall B3.OG stand 113. Contact us for setting up a meeting during the fair.
2016 May - OptixMarine receives The SKAPA Foundation's Innovation Award for region west
OptixMarine´s CTO Torbjörn Lundh has been chosen as a finalist from region west in The SKAPA Foundation’s award “SKAPA Utvecklingspris” – the national final will be held in November in Stockholm, were the total winner will be announced.
2016 April - Preparations for installation onboard Astoria progressing
We have since the beginning of the year expanded Team OptixMarine and been working intensely with preparing the installation onboard Astoria. Along the way several design improvements have been done, for enabling even higher efficiency at the main engines optimal rpm. Production has started and installation is planned during Q2 2017.
2016 March - OptixDrive shortlisted for Green Ship Technology Award 2016
We have received the information that OptixDrive has been shortlisted for The Green Ship Technology Award 2016 and the winner will be announced at the price ceremony 16 March at Admiral Hotel in Copenhagen.
2016 February - The European Commission invests in OptixMarine AB
The European Commission has chosen OptixDrive for their SME Instrument as one of the breakthrough innovations with a promising potential to contribute to EU’s environmental program ”Horizon 2020”, helping the global shipping industry with lowering their fuel consumption and environmental impact. Together we believe that the shipping industry has a sustainable future, you are welcome to join us.
2016 January - Jakob Johansson joins Team OptixMarine
We are very happy to have recruited Jakob Johansson, product development specialist with hands-on experience from developing front end technology within the Norwegian offshore industry, that will take lead on OptixDrive’s roadmap.
2015 December - Sweden's Innovation Agency VINNOVA Invests in Optixmarine AB
We are glad to announce that VINNOVA has decided to invest in OptixMarine AB, supporting the implementation of OptixDrive on ships world wide.
2015 November - OptixDrive is Now Ready for Sale in The Range 1,0-1,5 MW
Other models, e.g. the 3,5 MW version, will be ready for deliver during 2017. Contact us if you would like a template for calculating your ROI.
2015 October - OptixDrive Awarded Innovation of The Year by Gothenburg Inventor Association
Our CTO Torbjörn Lundh proudly received the award for Innovation of The Year by Göteborgs Uppfinnarförening during a ceremony held at Chalmers Lindholmen in Gothenburg, Sweden. We are very grateful for this award and would like to thank everyone that has been working together for arranging the ceremony.
2015 September - OptixMarine at Donsö Shipping Meet 1-2 September 2015
Donsö Shipping Meet 2015 is now over and together with almost 1150 participants we are very pleased with the prosperous planning of the convention. Many contacts have been made and a great interest have been shown for OptixDrive. All eyes are, from now and forward, pointing towards the upcoming installation onboard Veritas Astoria (AB veritas tankers).
2015 August - OptixMarine Welcomes The Veritas Tankers Fleet to The Optixdrive Family
We are proud to announce that Rederi AB Veritas Tankers Donsö have chosen OptixDrive on all their vessels, installations is planned for 2017.
2019 October - Gearbox shipped to Donsötank M/T Solando
Donsötanks first ordered XDrive has now been shipped to M/T Solando, which at the time of writing is located outside the coast of France. Installation will be within the next few weeks. Then it’s time for their second gearbox to be installed on M/T Solero. We’re looking forward to both installations!
/Team Optixmarine
2019 September - Donsö Shipping Meet 2019
2019 August - Preinstallation onboard Donsötank M/T Solero
Preinstallation onboard Donsötank M/T Solero during their shipyard visit in Landskrona. All preperations onboard for their OptixDrive was performed. The delivery to M/T Solero will be during september/october.
The last preperations are also being made for the DSM19 fair. Optixmarine will attend the fair 2th-4th of september.
Welcome to DSM hall C C11. Hope we´ll meet You there!
/Team Optixmarine
2019 July - Update
July is here and finally the summerheat has arrived! We look forward to some vacation and “charge our batteries” before work begins again.
Have a nice vacation and enyoy the summer!
/Team Optixmarine
2019 June - Update
Nor-Shipping 2019 is now over and we are very pleased with the great interest that has been for us and our products. We had the launch of our third product OptixAutosync. For more information about Autosync, read under:
2019 June - Nor-Shipping
The last preparations are being made for the Nor-Shipping fair. We will hold two events during the fair; first out is the product release of OptixAutosync on the 4th of June at 16:00. This is the third product of the “Optix family” and we look forward to the market’s reactions on this system and its effects. The second event is the handing over of Rederi AB Donsötank’s first OptixDrive unit to be installed on their vessel M/T Solando, wich takes place on the 5th of June at 14:00.
2019 May - Building the first demo unit for our third product
Now we have started to build the first demo unit for our third product, wich will be launched during Nor-Shipping 4th of June at 16:00. Just like OptixDrive and OptixAutorail, this is an optimization system that allows ship owners to reduce maintenance costs and reduce fuel consumption on board. How about a documented fuel savings of over 8% and lifetime extension of some vital parts with up to 10 times! ROI of about 1.5 years creates great interest.
2019 April - Preparations onboard Donsötank M/T Solando
Donsötank M/T Solando has been on a shipyard visit and we took the opportunity to make the preparations onboard for the installation of their OptixDrive. The company has ordered two OptixDrives for their vessels M/T Solando & M/T Solero. All the complementing equipment and foundations were installed and now we are just waiting for the production and classification of their OptixDrive to be completed.
2019 March - Preperations for our stand at Nor-Shipping are in full swing
Now we are in full swing with the preparations for our stand at Nor-Shipping. This year we are investing a little extra on a design that is in line with our products to achieve the right “Optixmarine touch” so that our guests feel welcome and at home in our booth.
Welcome to Nor-Shipping hall A A1-58.
2019 February - Development of a third product
The development of our third product is in full progress. Like our other two products, it will help you with energy and fuel optimization. The product will be presented during our product release on 4/6 2019 at Nor-Shipping. Until then we keep it a secret but we can reveal some of the effects it brings; how about a documented fuel saving of over 8%!
2019 January - Happy New Year
Happy New & Prosperous Year!
2019 will be a year to look forward to. A third product is in the pipe line and we are attending two big exhibitions. First out is Nor-Shipping in June and then DSM in September.
Hope we’ll meet You there!
2018 December - Merry Christmas
We wish you all a Merry Christmas and prosperous New Year!
Team Optixmarine
2018 November - Rederi AB Donsötank signs contract for two OptixDrives
We welcome Rederi AB Donsötank to the OptixMarine family! The have signed orders for two OptixDrive for their ships M/T Solando and M/T Solero. First delivery in april 2019 for the Solando and august 2019 for the Solero.
2018 September/ October - Veritas Astorias installation summary
“Free electricity during voyage”
AB Veritas tankers, Veritas Astorias OptixDrive has now been running for almost thousand hours. The final result in savings during a period of two months with same conditions in 2016 and 2018 have resulted in a decrease of main engine fuel consumption with 1kg/Nm including the production of 300kw from the shaft generator for the hotel load during vouage. In short term the increase of main engine efficiency due to the kw load from the shaft generator (that does not affect the hydrodynamics of the hull) has resulted that all kw produced by the main engine is more efficient. The result is a reduction with 1kg/Nm and free electricity during voyage. The annual savings for Veritas tanker and the Veritas Astoria is approx, $240 000.
2018 August - Veritas Astorias installation is finalised
AB Veritas tankers, Veritas Astorias OptixDrive is now installed and in service. The unit has been running stabile and with good results for over 300 hours onboard. Maximum load so far has been 700kw and the output result has been +- 0,2hz in maximum frequency drop.
Film taken during the first start onboard
2018 July - Veritas Astoria installation has started
2018 June - Veritas Astorias OptixDrive ready for shipment
After additional testing and packing of AB Veritas tankers OptixDrive, the unit is now ready for shipment to Veritas Astoria. The unit will be delivered onboard during their port of call in Sundsvall Sweden. The installation will soon thereafter be started by the OptixMarine installation team.
2018 March - Special preview of the Optixdrive 1.5
OptixMarine has started with the installation of misc, equipment onboard the Veritas Astoria. Controlcabinet, cables and information screen is now installed onboard.
Watch the test run:
2018 March - FAT test and Special preview will be carried out
We are looking forward to the FAT tests on the 7th of march and also the Special preview of the Optixdrive. Invitations has been sent out to selected persons to attend this special preview of the Optixdrive 1.5 while in test bench. The preview will be carried out with 200kw generator load and show the stability etc of the Optixdrive 1.5.
2018 February - The Optixdrive 1.5 has been class approved by the Bureau Veritas
2017 December - Report from the testcenter
The test run of the optixdrive is ongoing at Optixmarine ABs test bench in Lidköping Sweden. The gearbox have gone through extensive test runs and have proven to be more stabil than anticipated. During normal ME “maneuvering rpm the outgoing rpm fluctuation is very low and equals to +- 0,5Hz, seen during testing.
2017 October - Optixmarine invests in a new test bench with 250kw capacity
2017 September - The worlds first official test run of OptixDrive takes place in Lidköping at Framar AB
During the summer we have run tests on every part of the OptixDrive separately to make sure our final product will meet the quality standard we promise. Today, the 14th of September 2017, was a day of great joy as our first official run of the worlds first OptixDrive took place in Lidköping at Framar AB. This marks an important milestone in our journey as we now enter the final tests of the OptixDrive.
Watch the test run:
2017 May - OptixMarine once again receives The SKAPA Foundation's Innovation Award for region west
OptixMarine´s CTO Torbjörn Lundh and ETO Johannes Forssén have been chosen as a finalists from region west in The SKAPA Foundation’s award “SKAPA Utvecklingspris” for their invention OptixAutorail – the national final will be held in November in Stockholm, were the final winner will be announced.
2017 May - OptixMarine releases brand new product OptixAutorail at Nor-Shipping
The fuel pump controlsystem OptixAutorail lower fuel consumption with up to 10% for engines equipted with individual fuelpumps. Enabling each individual cylinders fuelpump to be controlled to the most optimum power and cylinder-load.
- Run your main engine with even exhaust temperatures at all rpm levels
- All cylinders add equal power
- Even wear on bearings and pistons
- Load reduction only occurs when all cylinders are overloaded
- Reduce fuel consumption and emissions from COx, NOx, & SOx
Watch the release:
Video Player
2017 May - The world first OptixDrive 1.5 is now produced
The world first OptixDrive is now produced, just in time for the Norshipping fair in Oslo
Visit us in OptixMarines booth T03-05a at Norshipping 2017.
2017 April - Changes in the OptixMarine team
We welcome Markus Forssén to the team and to replace Marcus Lagerstrand. Markus fills the position as Marketing & Sales Manager.
2017 April - The first gearbox housing is ready for assembly
The casting of the first aluminum housing is done and processed. It is now on its way to our workshop for assembly.
2017 March - OptixMarine team increases
We welcome Marcus Lagestrand to the team. Marcus takes the seat as Sales manager. He comes previously from Bosch Rexroth and Consilium.
2017 February - OptixMarine will launch a new product at the Nor-Shipping fair in Oslo
Optixmarine will present yet another revolutionary aid for shipowners to optimise their ships. Fuel reductions up to 5-10% and return of investment under 1 year. This product can be used combined with all other optimisation systems and results in lower exhaust temperatures, higher ME power output and lower maintenance costs.
2017 January - OptixMarine will attend the Nor-Shipping fair in Oslo
Optixmarine will attend the Nor-shipping fair in Oslo may 30th through june 2nd. Visit us in the Swedish pavilion in hall T.
2016 December - Team OptixMarine say thank you all for this year
2016 Has been a interesting and prosperous year for OptixMarine Ab and our product OptixDrive. We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy new year!
2016 November - OptixMarine receives The SKAPA Foundation's National diploma of Honor
OptixMarine´s CTO Torbjörn Lundh Received the Diploma of Honor during a gala in Stockholm on September 10th.
We also welcome Johannes Forssén to the team. Johannes takes the seat as Process Control Manager.
2016 October - OptixDrive winner of Stena Line Propeller Prize 2016
We are proud to announce that our CTO Torbjörn Lundh on 13 October received the marine technology award “Stena Line Propeller Prize 2016” at Näringslivsdagen in Karlskrona.
2016 September - OptixMarine celebrates a successfull fair at SMM in Hamburg
We could not have imagined the amount of positive response that we received from shipping and chartering companies. The customer book is now full with new leads and we would like to thank every that visited us during the fair.
2016 August - OptixMarine moves in to new office at Lindholmen Science Park
OptixMarine will have a new visiting address (from October 2016) in Gothenburg and you will find us at Lindholmen Science Park – An international collaborative environment for innovation, research and education within Transportation and other relevant industries.
2016 June - OptixMarine will Exhibits on SMM in Hamburg 6-9 September
Meet OptixMarine on SMM in Hamburg 6-9 September in Hall B3.OG stand 113. Contact us for setting up a meeting during the fair.
2016 May - OptixMarine receives The SKAPA Foundation's Innovation Award for region west
OptixMarine´s CTO Torbjörn Lundh has been chosen as a finalist from region west in The SKAPA Foundation’s award “SKAPA Utvecklingspris” – the national final will be held in November in Stockholm, were the total winner will be announced.
2016 April - Preparations for installation onboard Astoria progressing
We have since the beginning of the year expanded Team OptixMarine and been working intensely with preparing the installation onboard Astoria. Along the way several design improvements have been done, for enabling even higher efficiency at the main engines optimal rpm. Production has started and installation is planned during Q2 2017.
2016 March - OptixDrive shortlisted for Green Ship Technology Award 2016
We have received the information that OptixDrive has been shortlisted for The Green Ship Technology Award 2016 and the winner will be announced at the price ceremony 16 March at Admiral Hotel in Copenhagen.
2016 February - The European Commission invests in OptixMarine AB
The European Commission has chosen OptixDrive for their SME Instrument as one of the breakthrough innovations with a promising potential to contribute to EU’s environmental program ”Horizon 2020”, helping the global shipping industry with lowering their fuel consumption and environmental impact. Together we believe that the shipping industry has a sustainable future, you are welcome to join us.
2016 January - Jakob Johansson joins Team OptixMarine
We are very happy to have recruited Jakob Johansson, product development specialist with hands-on experience from developing front end technology within the Norwegian offshore industry, that will take lead on OptixDrive’s roadmap.
2015 December - Sweden's Innovation Agency VINNOVA Invests in Optixmarine AB
We are glad to announce that VINNOVA has decided to invest in OptixMarine AB, supporting the implementation of OptixDrive on ships world wide.
2015 November - OptixDrive is Now Ready for Sale in The Range 1,0-1,5 MW
Other models, e.g. the 3,5 MW version, will be ready for deliver during 2017. Contact us if you would like a template for calculating your ROI.
2015 October - OptixDrive Awarded Innovation of The Year by Gothenburg Inventor Association
Our CTO Torbjörn Lundh proudly received the award for Innovation of The Year by Göteborgs Uppfinnarförening during a ceremony held at Chalmers Lindholmen in Gothenburg, Sweden. We are very grateful for this award and would like to thank everyone that has been working together for arranging the ceremony.
2015 September - OptixMarine at Donsö Shipping Meet 1-2 September 2015
Donsö Shipping Meet 2015 is now over and together with almost 1150 participants we are very pleased with the prosperous planning of the convention. Many contacts have been made and a great interest have been shown for OptixDrive. All eyes are, from now and forward, pointing towards the upcoming installation onboard Veritas Astoria (AB veritas tankers).
2015 August - OptixMarine Welcomes The Veritas Tankers Fleet to The Optixdrive Family
We are proud to announce that Rederi AB Veritas Tankers Donsö have chosen OptixDrive on all their vessels, installations is planned for 2017.